歡迎來到Rolife Cozy Kitchen 迷你屋 DG159。這是一個充滿溫暖的廚房,擁有經典的佈局、豐富的細節和迷人的照明。你能夠想像到居住在這裡的主人是怎樣的人嗎?也許他或她擅長烘焙各種麵包和烤肉,讓每一天都充滿美味;或者,在這些可愛的鍋碗瓢盆中眺望,聆聽杯子和盤子相碰的聲音,聽著切菜的輕快聲響,嗅著食材放入鍋中後散發出的香氣,就能感到滿足感!用你的雙手建造這個迷你廚房場景,享受美妙的DIY體驗。
大型頂部LED燈:這個迷你房屋套件配備了一個放大的頂部燈,大大增強了廚房的氛圍。在光線較暗的環境下表現更出色。(*該產品需要兩節“AAA/LR03/AM4 1.5V”電池,請自行準備電池)。
Welcome to Rolife Cozy Kitchen miniature house DG159. It is a kitchen full of warmth, with a classic layout, rich details and charming lighting. What kind of host do you imagine lives here? Maybe he or she is good at baking all kinds of bread and roasts in the oven to fill the days; or maybe there is a sense of satisfaction just looking at these lovely pots and pans, listening to the sound of cups and dishes clashing, the rustling of chopped vegetables, and smelling the aroma of ingredients rising up after being put into the pot! Build this miniature kitchen scene with your hands and enjoy a wonderful DIY experience.Immersive miniature scene:
this product restores the classic kitchen scene, with all the common kitchen utensils and daily necessities available.
Small space with big details:
the isometric structure and multiple materials vividly restore the shape and touch of kitchenware; the layout of the cooking area/wall cabinet area/dining area is clear and full of playable details, bringing you the most familiar “taste of home”.
Easy essembly design:
with new upgraded insertion design, the whole assembly process is easy and smooth. If reinforcement is needed, glue can be used to assist.
Large top LED light:
this miniature house kit comes with a enlarged top light which greatly enhanced the kitchen atmosphere. Better performance in low-light conditions. (*The product requires two “AAA/LR03/AM4 1.5V” batteries. Batteries for self-preparation).