【復古大提琴模型】ROKR 大提琴 3D 拼圖是經典樂器的1/5複製品。 它以書籍和 Tome 作為底座和透視結構充滿齒輪。 兒童和成人都將享受驕傲的建築和展示。 旋律:"夜曲,Op.9,No.2" E-flat"
【自製弓】ROKR 大提琴模型套組由齒輪傳動而不是電池驅動。 只需將大提琴後面的彈簧鍵完全纏繞起來,那麼它的弓就會自動為觀眾演奏美妙的曲調。
【無膠水技術】這款 199 件 3D 木製拼圖採用榫角和榫角接頭結構和精確的雷射切割。 零件易於彈出並可以很好地組合在一起。 因此不需要膠水。 組裝大約需要 4.5 小時。 建置尺寸尺寸為 9.3x8.5 x 7.5 英吋(約 23.4x20.3
【送給所有人的禮物】這款創意積木組絕對是生日或週年紀念日送禮時的絕佳選擇。 包裝設計精美,隨附所需的一切:逐步手冊、預先切割的木板、音樂動作、蠟、砂紙。 任何問題,我們都很樂意為您提供幫助。
Born at the end of the 18th century, the music box solidified abstract music into a tangible artwork, witnessing the history of human civilization for more than 300 years. ROKR thus designed the Mechanical Music Box Series, which puts the 'time' in small 'spaces'. The elegant and beautiful cello, with its traditional classical high class feel, has always been loved by people, so ROKR has incorporated the cello into the "mechanical music box", and designed this Magic Cello music box 3D wooden puzzle.
With a romantic retro style, this cello music box puzzle is mainly a combination of cello and magic book. The hollow structure of the body shows the internal gear set, six-petal flower embellished on it, the panel is engraved with a classic European pattern, very retro aesthetic. The product is also interspersed with a large number of magic elements, such as magic books, little witches and cats, giving people a retro and mysterious visual experience. In addition, the base of the magic book shape, using the story of the "father of the cello" Pablo Casals, and the main self-playing cello echoes.