【ROKR 腦筋急轉彎拼圖】
蒸汽朋克藝術品可以用自己的雙手建造! 扭動彈簧,木製摩托車模型最多可跑 7~10 英尺。 鼓勵您以最大的熱情來進行真正的巡航!
經典巡洋艦,具有大膽的風格和不平等的風格。 它具有空氣動力學擋風玻璃、金屬部件和大容量後背包。 生動的學習機制案例。
適合成人和青少年的絕佳感官刺激玩具禮物以及蒸汽和 STEM 拼圖禮物。14 歲以下兒童需要額外的幫助才能正確地建立。
需要參與的禮物將更加令人印象深刻。我們提供詳細的操作手冊。 即使是初學者也可以使用。
所有零件都是雷射切割,誤差小於 1/500 英吋(約 1.5 公分)。 所有木製零件均由高緯度精選的草木製成,不含毒素,可輕鬆組合在一起。
Sandstorms, revolvers, cowboy hats, roaming in the Wild West at sunset aren't enough. What you also need is a heavy-duty cruiser with a roaring engine. Ride it, be a modern-day Clint Eastwood, and drive solo into the wild western desert! Assemble this ROKR 3D wooden puzzle and become the coolest tough guy!
3D LASER CUT WOOD PUZZLES: Made from Eco-Friendly wood, this mechanical model is a puzzle you build by fitting laser cut pieces together with no messy glues or adhesives required.
MECHANICAL MODEL: These functional mechanical models are intricately detailed and worthy of your home and collection. Precise instructions are included along with illustrations.
FUN FOR ADULTS & TEENAGERS: Adults, teens, and older kids love the challenge of model building, and kids can learn about gravity, gears, design, and engineering concepts as they build!
THE BEST GIFT: This motorcycle 3D wooden puzzle toy can be given to children as a gift, you can build this model with your children in your spare time to enhance the parent-child relationship.
INDOOR ENTERTAINMENT: The complexity of this set brings people together and provides hours of amusement for everyone. A great family activity, this ROKR puzzle is engaging, fun, and exercises your mind!
Note: Due to customs policy, the wax may not be included in the package. Wax: you could use ordinary candles, crayons, beeswax, etc.