彈簧手柄:只需拉動右下角的 3D 木彈球拼圖彈性推桿,然後釋放球即可發射。 這款奔騰球穿過三條精心設計的懸垂軌道和它們下方的數十個區域,包括圓形隧道、多個潛水、黃銅鈴鐺和碗。
經典木製模型遊戲:當您與家人和朋友拼湊 3D 拼圖彈球機時,感覺就像一個孩子一樣,80 年代和 90 年代的經典遊戲。無論是玩樂趣還是與您的朋友和家人競爭,這款木製拼圖彈球機保證是一大熱門的。
輕鬆流暢組裝:3D 彈球的每一塊都以精確精製而成,緊密牢固貼合,為 14 歲及以上的拼圖者創造了令人滿意的挑戰。您將在組裝美麗的零件、釋放我們的大腦壓力並提高大腦的注意力。
足夠樂趣:這款 482 件 3D 木製拼圖對於喜歡手工藝和懷舊的人來說都是完美的挑戰。色彩繽紛的 LED 燈用於呈現視覺效果。這款模型彈球遊戲機採用充滿活力和迷人的設計,捕捉冒險和遊戲精髓。
if you love classic pinball games, then get ready for the Robotime-ROKR 3D Pinball Machine wooden puzzle kit EG01! This is a vintage style pinball game machine that will take you back to the good old days of the '90s. Challenge yourself by assembling all the pieces together and build your own pinball machine. With all the transmission model, live sound & light effect, electronic scoring and other exquisite detail design, this ROKR 3D pinball puzzle will bring you so much fun playing on your own or interacting with family and friends. Try to survive as long as you can and score as many as possible!
*Notes: Due to customs policy, the wax may not be included in the package. Wax: you could use ordinary candles, crayons, beeswax, etc.