能量供應店 DW002 係 Rolife Super Creator - Super Store 系列嘅一個塑膠DIY迷你屋。呢個可愛嘅便利店每日24小時營業,迎合夜班工人同學生嘅需求。呢度有美味嘅燴飯、飲品同甜蛋糕,絕對可以治癒各種不開心嘅心情。振作起來啦!明天會是另一個閃爍嘅日子!快樂地組裝同玩耍呢個驚人嘅迷你洋房啦!
Energy Supply Store DW002 is a plasic DIY miniature house from Rolife Super Creator - Super Store Series. This adorable convenience store is open 24 hours a day to accommodate overnight workers and students. The tasty gumbo, drinks, and sweet cakes are always a cure for all kinds of unhappiness. Cheer up! Tomorrow will be another glittering day! Have fun building & playing with this amazing miniature dollhouse!